Thursday 29 March 2012

Antichrist (2009)

What the bloody hell was all that about?!

lots of genitalia made an appearance, I wonder if that was really Defoe's dick that "She" grabbed?

Got a bit weird when the Three Beggars came into play

Definitely didn't understand the epilogue, what's with all those chicks?

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Naked (1993)

Maaaate, y'all need to see this motherfuckin' film.

David Thewlis is some sort of maverick with the dialogue he is given.

Lots of rape though, which was a bit of a downer.

9.99999/10 though.

Alien 3 (1992)

Sigourney Weaver is fit regardless of the baldness. The film itself isn't bad considering it was made in the 90's. Spark plugging a guy into consciousness was a bit weird though, in fact I'm not sure what's going on most of the time in this movie.

The Devil Inside (2012)

twas odd
suitabley scary
but the ending was really unexpected
i bet you anything there's a sequel